the reason for the season

"And this one is a pirate ship," Tysen said, cupping her hands around an elaborate ornament.
"Actually that is Noah's Ark," I said. (Easy mistake.)
My sister-in-law then told me about her conversation with my nephew in which she told him the reason we celebrate Christmas is because it is Jesus' birthday.
"Why didn't anyone tell me?!!" he exclaimed.
By now you know how much I love being around these kids. To hear their stories and songs. To be challenged by their questions and imaginations. To see them connect with the world. To experience wonder afresh alongside them.
And I'm excited to see them experience more of Christmas this year, more of the reason for the season.
The Christmas season is all about anticipating and receiving the miracle of a child. And I can't think of a better way to experience it than through the eyes of these kids who are coming to understand the true meaning of Christmas for the very first time.
What (why?) will you be celebrating this Christmas?
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