Christmas letters

My aunt and uncle send the best Christmas letters. The "old fashioned" kind where they actually type up an entire letter to give you a sense of their year. Where they found joy. And struggle. What they did to make the world a little brighter. And a page full of photos that capture memorable family moments.

It brings me joy every year to receive this letter, and it isn't lessened at all by the fact that we are Facebook friends and I know most of this stuff anyway.

If I were to write a Christmas letter it might say...
I have felt more peace this year after returning to the family farm in Ohio and setting up home than I have in a long time. And my heart has begun to heal from all the chapters that were closed when I left Indiana last December.
"I" decided to EMBRACE all things in 2013, which led to an almost daily blog, which led to new friendships and experiences I would never have had otherwise. I competed in two triathlons and didn't die. I began preaching regularly (in churches) and felt challenged to live the gospel out loud. I flew to Texas twice and drove to Arkansas once. I came down with the flu at the Great American Ballpark, read the entire Bible for lent, and treated a homeless man to grilled cheese sandwiches. I didn't work too hard and spent as much time as possible learning from my nieces and nephew because kids truly hold the secrets to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The biggest challenge I faced this year was to accept myself, scars and imperfections and all, because that is what God wants from me. And while I'm not there yet, He has granted me another year--or at least another day--to grow more fully into the person He created me to be. I pray you too will encounter Christ in 2014! 
And of course this Christmas letter would be accompanied by an adorable photo of my dog Jovi, who is just as difficult to get a good picture of as your children. She refuses to smile or sit still, sticks out her tongue as the flash goes off, and rarely looks directly at the camera. But I love her anyway because she's mine!


What would your Christmas letter say if you decided to sum up your year in 250 words or less?


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