
Some days are like that. You just aren't at your best. And you have the choice to dig deep and push through it, or get out of the water.
Already in the pool were a dozen or so senior citizens. Jogging in their water shoes and one piece suits while lifting weights and sitting on noodles.
So I, in my jogging shorts because I don't feel comfortable in swimsuit bottoms, sucked it up and swam some laps. Changing it up every lap or two to try and trick my body into thinking it wasn't as sluggish as it felt. Freestyle, backstroke, sidestroke, breaststroke. All because a pool full of grandmas had been jogging in their swimsuit bottoms for at least 30 minutes before I'd even gotten in the pool.
After I had swam for a good 20 minutes or so and they were still noodling, I decided I could justify getting out of the water. I didn't think they would be too disappointed or embarrassed for me.
One of the seniors followed me into the locker room. "You are a really strong swimmer," she said. "You inspire me. Really. You are an inspiration."
I stared at her with my mouth open. ME, with my weighted arms and jogging shorts? ME, who only swam for as long as I did because SHE was in the water? ME, who hopes to have enough motivation to swim everyday for even 5 minutes when I'm HER age? ME, who can't even put on a one piece bathing suit without cringing? ME?
The only thing I could think to say was "thank you."
I wish I'd have said "YOU inspire me." But at the time I couldn't even form the thought, let alone the words.
What a revelation, to realize that the person you admire could also be the person you inspire. That by allowing her to inspire me, I in turn inspired her.
I'm glad I chose to stay in the water.
Who inspires you? Did you ever stop to think that you might also inspire them?
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