No Purpose in Pie Town

Life is always changing. Sometimes it feels like a long process, sometimes it happens in an instant, and other times it just sneaks right up on you.

A year ago, Randy and I were in the middle of nowhere (Pie Town, New Mexico), 100 percent sure that it was our next move.

His mom was told she only had 6 months to live, so our plan was to care for her in her final days.

During our visit, I envisioned putting my office in the loft. And already anticipated being irritated by the television and phone calls and visitors below. Randy made up the plans to convert the garage into a master suite for us. We even picked out our flooring. I researched getting certified to teach at the local elementary school and Randy had scoped out the local diner where he planned to "sling hash." We were excited about the hiking and bouldering opportunities in the area and even bought special shoes.

But as the months passed by, mom seemed to be as stubborn and healthy as ever. And then the completely unexpected happened. Her husband, who had been in prison for 38 years, was released. (It's a really beautiful love story! They met while he was in prison and she was working there, and just celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary in January.) With a simple phone call from him saying, "Honey, I'll be home tomorrow!", we suddenly had no purpose in Pie Town. 

It's amazing how quickly life changes! But instead of dwelling on what no longer was we chose to intentionally focus on what could be. And in doing so we discovered the possibilities were endless!

Already committed in our hearts to leave Loomis, California, we quickly started talking and praying: If not Pie Town, where?

It didn't take us long to decide. After one visit to the children's home in San Felipe, Mexico, we knew it was our next move. We were simultaneously impressed with the way the home was run and saw how our unique gifts and talents could be of help. We got along great with the staff and adored the children. And the more we talked to others in our area, the more connections we discovered, both with those who regularly visit San Felipe and with those who want to help.

If we'd had any doubts, they were washed away last Monday when we arrived at Sonshine Hacienda and a little girl immediately jumped out of her seat and threw her arms around Randy's knees. "Papá!" she cried. 

It was like all my dreams had come true in that one moment with that one little word. 

Life can quickly go from all our plans being washed down the drain to all our dreams coming true. Which is why it is so important that we intentionally keep our hearts open to the next door of opportunity. So whether your plans just fell through or your dreams just came to fruition, be encouraged! Every day things are made new.

Stay tuned for more blog updates on our big move to Mexico!


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