
emotions. In fact I will do most anything to avoid them. Pierce my nose, live in my car, get a tattoo, jump out of an airplane. And those are just the things I've already tried!
I love hanging out with emotional people though. Observing them. Trying to rationalize their behavior. Copying their posture and facial expressions to determine what is happening in their bodies.
Because when I'm happy I get a knot in my neck. And when I'm sad I get a knot in my shoulder. When I'm angry the tension settles in my lower back. And joy feels a lot like a charlie horse.
I don't know for sure, but I would guess that people who are more connected to their emotions don't feel pained by every new feeling.
But the world needs both. Thinkers and feelers. And if we are willing to learn from one another, to grow and not be so afraid of the other, we can be more balanced and closer to whole.
Maybe that should be one of my goals for 2014. To not run away or think I need a pain pill every time I feel loved or frustrated or stressed or shy.
Do you think you are too emotional? Not emotional enough? We are all okay just as we are, but we can still be willing to grow.
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