
It is parents thinking creatively like kids again, participating in the wonder of the season by bringing to life an Elf on a Shelf. It is imagining the possibility of the impossible, where one man could be filled with enough love that, for one magical night, he could bring joy to every child on earth. It is the birth of a Savior, born "without incident", quietly, humbly, with the ability to change the world.
The magic of Christmas is not bought or found in a box wrapped in shiny paper.
The magic is found in the snowflakes that hit your windshield on Christmas Eve at 3 in the morning. It is in the handwritten note that your dad put under the tree for you, telling you that he is proud and you are loved. It is in nieces and cousins dancing and singing, "Deck the Halls with lots of holly, Fa la ha ha ha!" It is in spontaneous hugs and mason jars and everyone being home for Christmas.
The real magic of Christmas is found in moments of wonder and imagination and uncontainable love.
I hope that you too can capture the magic of Christmas this season!
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