
Of all the gifts I gave my nephew for Christmas, these Buzz Lightyear pajamas were definitely his favorite. Above legos and Skylanders and far above the nice shirts I got him. No sooner had he tore into the wrapping than he disappeared down the hall and re-emerged as a superhero.

The girls were equally excited about their nightgowns. And I think they were trying to get cousin Riley excited too in the picture above.

My family never had the tradition of getting new Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve like it seems so many do. But this year, seeing the kids' excitement inspired me to go home and put on my own Christmas jammies and spend most of Christmas day in them.

And I really couldn't imagine a more perfect day. Curled up in flannel, with coffee and movies and leftovers, surrounded by the people (and dog) I love.

I think I might have just adopted a new Christmas tradition!


Are pjs one of your Christmas traditions?


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