
Nearly every day I spend with my nieces and nephew someone ends up with a band-aid. And every time I've taken them shopping we end up with multiple boxes in our cart. (If you need Christmas ideas, it's the perfect stocking stuffer!)

Band-aids cover minor hurts. With this crew it is usually a hangnail. Or a playground scrape. And often times a "dot" invisible to the adult eye but definitely there in the eyes of a 4-year-old and definitely in need of a band-aid.

And as this photo of Kaylee professes, a simple band-aid makes everything better. Thumbs and smiles and the ability to go back to the horseplay that likely caused the infraction to begin with.

The Bible says "love covers a multitude of sins". As simply as a band-aid can cover our hurts and wipe our tears away, so can the choice to love above all else.

Kids can be overly dramatic about their need for a band-aid and the severity of the injury that requires such. But we adults can be equally dramatic about the grudges we hold and the things we get angry over.

These kids will never remember all the cuts, scrapes, and bruises that "require" band-aids in their lives. Likewise, most of the things that make us angry or hurt or jealous or sad will also be forgotten. So let's just wrap them in love and go back to playing duck, duck, goose.


Wouldn't life be so much simpler, happier, fuller if we just let love, like a band-aid, quickly and easily make everything right with the world again?


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