
Tessa: "Do you know whose name starts with d?"
Me: "Daddy."
Tessa, bursting into tears at the mere mention of his name: "Is Daddy ever coming home?"

This was Monday night, and Tim had just tucked her into bed the night before.

Me: "He'll be home Thursday."
Tessa: "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. But that's a long time!"
Me: "Do you need Daddy's pillow to sleep with?"
Tessa: Head nodding, still talking even though I'm leaving the room to get Daddy's pillow, "Will Daddy be here for family dinner night?"
Me: Returning with the pillow, "Of course. Daddy wouldn't miss family dinner night."

Fast forward until Tuesday night. Tim calls to talk to the kids before they go to bed. I let Tessa answer the phone and her lip starts to quiver as soon as she hears his voice. Fighting back tears she says to Daddy: "Aunt Katie gave me your pillow and Mommy gave me your wolf and I'm sleeping with your puppy because I miss you so much."

Just to distinguish Tessa's relationship with Daddy from all the rest, Tysen grabs the phone and yells, "Daddy where are you?!" When he tells her he is working in Connecticut she says, "When can I go there? Next time you have to take me and Kaylee."

No tears. Not even a twitch of the lip. Just her bossiest voice letting him know she wants an invite if there's a next time.

Tessa, as I'm tucking her in that night: "Does Daddy's airplane have a bed?"
Me: "No. Just a chair to sit in."
Tessa, face all wrinkled and ready to burst into tears: "But he'll be so tired tomorrow!"
Me: "He's not on the airplane right now."
Tessa: "Then where is he?!!!"
Me: Seeing this for the downward spiral it was about to become, "Do you need Daddy's blanket to sleep with?"
Tessa: Head nodding.

All the kids love their Daddy, and he is well deserving of that love. But Tessa has a unique devotion to him and has since she came home from the hospital. Only Daddy could swaddle her right. Only Daddy could soothe her tears. I can imagine her forever climbing onto his lap and in her "baby" voice saying, "Dad-dy!" It is absolutely precious to behold.

(But I am thankful he wasn't gone any longer. I'm not sure what I would have given her to sleep with after another night!)


Is there someone in your life who you have a particularly strong and loyal bond with? Or someone who has bonded to you with this kind of selfless affection? Be grateful!


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