
I was walking home from my parents house yesterday and had one of those rare moments when I just stopped and thought, "Everything is perfect."

My younger brother and his family had just arrived from Texas. My older brother and his family would join us later that day. I was starting a new project for work. I get to deliver God's message this week. My niece is getting baptized on Sunday. We will all be together for Christmas. Friendships have been renewed, and my heart is wide open to the limitless possibilities of 2014.

I am happy!

And not in a "this is too perfect and it is all about to come crashing down" kind of way. But in an "I'm going to embrace this moment, this feeling, this utter happiness for as many breaths as it is mine" kind of way. Because I'd rather appreciate--really appreciate--all that I have to be thankful for, than spend even one minute worrying about any of it getting taken away.


If and when that moment of perfect happiness enters your thoughts, stop and take a moment to be thankful, then relish the feeling for as long as it lasts!


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