tissue paper

A box without tissue paper is just a box. A bag without tissue paper is just a bag.

But tissue paper has the power to transform a simple box, or a simple bag, into a gift. A present. A thing of beauty. Art.

Tissue paper is not the gift itself. Nor is it the container of the gift.

It is an embellishment really. Serving no "practical" purpose.

But oh so important nonetheless.

I'm reminded of the importance of beauty this morning as the sun rises and the sky turns purples and pinks. And last night while my nieces and I put hair bows in each others' hair. At the store when I pass a man wearing cologne I am reminded of my grandfather. And daisies remind me of my grandmother's art studio. Nail polish, again serving no "practical" purpose, completely changes the way I look at my hands.

Beauty has the ability to make a house a home. Be a reminder or a beginning of a memory. A source of pleasure. A necessary creative outlet. It shows care. And delight.


Maybe you are happy to give and receive a simple bag or a box. But not me. I want my box -- my gift -- to say, "You are worth a little extra."


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