
Ever since I saw this notice to obliterate my browsing history since the beginning of time, I've really wanted to EMBRACE OBLITERATION. What a great word - obliteration! But what a scary concept. To have that much power. To wipe out something entirely. Not even just doing away with it in the future. But completely eliminating it from the past. From the beginning of time.

So it feels like it has to be big things. Not small things like zits or shin splints or Fran Drescher's voice. But big things like cancer, poverty, racism.

But somehow even those don't seem big enough. Could there be one thing we could obliterate that would solve all the other problems? Make all the difference in the world, from the beginning of time?

The best I can come up with is this: I'd obliterate the feeling of being unloved. Completely wipe it out. So that everyone would know, for all time, and never doubt that they are loved. Unconditionally. Without reservation. An exuberant, child-like, first kiss kind of love.

If we knew that, believed it, couldn't even fathom anything different, I think it would make all the difference.


What would you obliterate?


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