half birthdays

Yesterday was my half birthday. Six months have passed since I turned the big 33.

I'm a big believer in celebrating this milestone. It's not everyday you are halfway between your former age and your next one.

So I asked God to bless me big time yesterday. To make me feel loved. Fully. Richly. Extravagantly. After all, love is what birthdays are all about, right?

The day started by watching Cinderella III with three of my nieces on my lap, a fourth between my feet, and my nephew within arms reach. Spoiler alert: she ends up with the Prince at the end! Fairy tale love is definitely half birthday worthy.

I went to McDonalds for lunch and the guy who took my order told me he liked my short hair. That I had the perfect face for it. And then I got a bag full of the freshest, hottest, best tasting french fries EVER. I love it when God shows me love through the drive thru guy.

When I got home there was a little treasure waiting in my mailbox. A message in a bottle. And it said "Happy Birthday!" Yep. God loves me that much! The bottle was actually addressed to my grandma. But her birthday isn't until the 18th. So I think God had a hand in delivering it early.

Later while watching the dramatic season finale of The Bachelorette (spoiler alert: she gets the Prince at the end!), the UPS man showed up at my door. I was expecting a package from the office in Texas, but this one didn't feel like a 400 page manuscript. And it had a picture of Gandhi on the box. And it was from California. Lo and behold it was a pair of shoes! God, you shouldn't have! I'd actually ordered them a couple weeks ago and completely forgot. Happy Birthday to me!

To top off the whole day the weather was ideal for an evening stroll with my dog. And while we were out one of the neighbors stopped by for a friendly chat. Little blessings like this make a perfect ending to a perfect day!


Why wait a whole year to feel the love when you can celebrate halfway there!


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