
You know when my nephew Kasen and I spend one-on-one time together there is going to be an element of

In fact, yesterday we talked about elements. Because what 7 year old doesn't discuss air, water, earth, and fire with his aunt while driving to the orthodontist? But that didn't happen until 20 minutes after I picked him up from school, because for those 20 minutes his mouth was full of the cheese and bacon sandwich I had waiting for him in the car. I don't know how the kid ever discovered that he likes to go to Subway and order white bread, white american cheese, with lots of bacon, salt and pepper, and occasionally pickles, but I love this about him.

The orthodontist was pretty uneventful, but Kasen was an angel. A chatty angel, but an angel nonetheless. And who doesn't need rewarded for having someone else's fingers in their mouth? So I got him a Duck Dynasty bandana. Because a random accessory added to the pair of camo shorts he was already wearing was just what he needed to become a full blown duck caller.

Nevertheless, Kasen found the drive home incredibly boring. So I asked him if he wanted to stop and buy some local honey. "Yes," he said. Alright then.

The shop had an old carriage out front with a dummy of a one-eyed Abraham Lincoln in it and when we walked past it came to life. The engine roared (yes, I realize a horse drawn carriage doesn't in fact have an engine, but this fact merely aids the randomness of it all) and Lincoln turned his head from side to side so we could get a good look at his missing eye. Kasen thought this was hilarious and wished his sisters were there because "they'd be so scared!" Inside were more dummies, looking down at us from the second floor. Animals hanging from the ceiling that howled and growled when we walked under them. An electric train set. Lots of bagged candy. Amish cheese. And the local honey we came for. Had we googled "random stores near Clinton County" I'm sure this one would have topped the list.

We bought the honey, which of course Kasen can't eat right now because the orthodontist doesn't want him eating anything sticky or chewy. Made Lincoln come to life again. And were on our way.

I love that I never have to plan my time with Kasen. We have so much fun just accepting whatever randomness presents itself along the way!

Being open to a day with no objective or agenda, and experiencing things with no reason or purpose, can lead you to wonderful and weird adventures you never would encounter if you weren't willing to EMBRACE RANDOMNESS.


  1. Such a Great Event between Aunt Katie and Nephew Kasen! Those Momentous Occasions he'll be re-telling for many years to come! Love reading your shared stories...you're a Great Writer!!

    1. Thanks Nancy! We loved running into the triplets at Bob Evans last weekend!! Girls, girls, girls!!


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