the familiar

A mile into my ride I was thinking about how hot it already was at 9:30, mentally telling myself that in August it is better to workout before work, when I saw a woman riding toward me on her bicycle.
"Isn't this the most beautiful stretch of road," she said happily.
I agreed, for her benefit, all the while thinking, "What is she talking about?"
Isn't it interesting how we get used to our surroundings and no longer appreciate their beauty, their wonder, their significance. Especially when we've grown up in that place, or have spent many years there. And then someone comes along who isn't as familiar with the landscape, or simply sees it with different eyes, and they awaken us to the beauty that was right in front of our faces all this time.
Because of her comment I decided to ride for another hour and really look at the landscape that is my neighborhood.

All of this I would have missed had someone not pointed out to me that there is beauty in the familiar.
Whether we are looking in the mirror at our own familiar faces, or out the window at the streets we drive everyday, let us take time to notice and appreciate the beauty that is all around us.
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