
My job can be pretty solitary. And usually I'm okay with that.

Typically I accept my (writing/editing/research) assignment, get all the details I need upfront, and then don't check in again until the project is completed. Which could be a week or it could be three months.

But this week I've worked very closely with my coworker Ryan.

Ryan and I have never met in person but we work together quite well via email. This week he has given me my assignment, I've asked questions, he has answered them, I've turned in my assignment, and he has said thank you. Then he's asked me to redo the assignment (hey, nobody's perfect!), I've asked questions, he's answered questions, I've tried again, and he has said thank you. Then he has sent me a sample of what he was hoping I'd come up with and I've tried yet again and he has said thank you. Then we've established new deadlines, new assignments, I've given him the info I have on the project that he doesn't have and he has returned the favor. And we've both said thank you.

This exchange has reminded me how much I used to love working in an office with a team. (Not the office part. Just the team part.) Creative sessions. Planning meetings. Day long email exchanges to work through a project. Back and forth editing and design. That moment when it "clicks" for everyone. And holding the final product in your hand, knowing everything (and everyone!) that has gone into making it a reality.

Of course I love it when I "get it" right away and my first attempt is exactly what everyone is looking for. But I also love working together with others to find the best way, and that feeling of success when you accomplish something together.


Sure, working with others has its frustrations. But it also has its joys!

I don't really know what this diagram means,
but it said "embrace" so I couldn't help myself.
Credit to Scott Scarborough who does know what it means.


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