Like when the transition and finish line arches deflated mid-race on Sunday due to the generator running out of gas.
But just like you see in the picture above, where volunteers are willing to manually hold up an arch for a woman on the last leg of her race, no matter what happens someone will always be there to support you.
My brother was there to pat me on the back and wish me luck as I ran down the hill to the beach for my race to start. My friend Mike was there to cheer me on 6 minutes later when my swim was over and I was running back up the hill.

One woman gave me a high-five on the run course. I was having a "Praise God we're almost there" chat with another woman when I saw Mike headed out of the park on his bike. I was able to cheer him on, telling him to "have fun" riding and running while I went and got a massage (oh, the benefits of running an hour-long race while everyone else does two and three-hour races!).
After my massage I caught my brother dismounting his bike and heading out for his run. I told him "great job!" and snapped this quick picture: "Only 10k to go!"
I showed support for lots of people I didn't know as they crossed the finish, and was also there to cheer my brother on as he completed his race.
Training and competing in a triathlon is fun. It really is! But the real joy for me is in the way people support one another on race day. Cow bells and whistles, weird music and clapping, passing out oranges and bananas, cops stopping traffic so you don't get run over and kids competing to give you water bottles along the way. Athletes, families, volunteers... all giving and receiving encouragement, support, and good cheer. It's humanity at its finest!
And thank you to all of you who supported us with thoughts, prayers, well wishes on Facebook, and congrats on our finish! It's an added bonus when the support extends beyond the course!
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