
I'm pretty sure I would be a different person today if I hadn't gotten to know my grandparents so well. One set of grandparents took me on a road trip to Wisconsin with them when I was about 6. Another set took me to Washington, D.C., as a teenager. They all encouraged me to be the best version of myself I could be, and to have fun while doing it. Whether that meant painting ceramics, hunting fossils, or reading books wasn't important to them. As long as I stayed true to me.
I was so blessed to be able to spend a week with one of my grandmas recently. We did lots of ordinary things together, from changing the batteries in the carbon monoxide detector to shopping at Barnes and Noble, going to the movies and eating take out pizza. She reminisced a lot, about dancing with my grandpa, going to craft shows, and all the wonderful people she has met along the way. We talked about a few things still on her bucket list--going to Paris, riding in an air boat, going ziplining (did you wonder where my sense of adventure came from?)--and we anxiously looked forward to going on a cruise together in January.
While I was in Arkansas with my grandma, my sister-in-law's grandpa celebrated his 94th birthday in Ohio. When she told him she hoped he'd had a good day he said, "They are all good ones now."
That's how I feel about every day that I get to spend with my grandparents. Whether the days are filled with ordinary moments or reminiscences, plans for the future or watching Wheel of Fortune (my grandma and I would be champs on this show!), each day, each moment is a good one!
If you have grandparents who are still living, or parents who are grandparents to your children, realize how lucky you are! And take advantage of every moment to learn from them and celebrate life together!
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