
On Saturday I received a first place award for a travel essay I'd written, as well as a second place award for a short-short story (99 words).

Everyone loves recognition. It doesn't matter how clear you are that what you are doing is what you are called to do. It's reassuring, encouraging, and heartening when others also recognize that.

But this recognition had another affect on me. It served as a reminder that I'm not just writing for me. That others can be encouraged and challenged by the words I put on a page. That I'm called to care for others. To live in community. To encourage people to seek and embrace and learn and grow. And writing is how I do that. At least one very important way.

I believe the reason I was able to learn this is because I decided in advance of the award ceremony that I wasn't going to let a piece of paper (or lack thereof) determine how I felt about myself as a writer.

Yes, I was excited when they called my name. But I was just as excited when they called the name of the young woman sitting beside me for an award of her own.


When we are confident in who we are and what we do, recognition doesn't determine our value. It teaches us something. 


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