
He had planned to start on the first of October. But the beans were too wet. So he pushed it back to the second. But they were still too wet. And on the third it rained.
"Can't you put them in the bins and turn on the dryer?" we asked.
"Sure, but I don't need to if I wait until they are dry enough," he replied.
When I talked to him on the fourth, after he'd put the combine away for the weekend and the rain to come, he said he realized this week that the reason the beans weren't drying quicker was because they still needed to mature. Another week and cooler temperatures and then they'll be ready.
It dawned on me that this is precisely why we need to exercise patience--because it allows us time to mature. To prepare for the thing we are waiting for. To grow stronger and more grateful.
2 Peter tells us that once we mature and start acting like God--showing patience, self-control, brotherly affection, etc.--we are more productive, more useful, and more effective than we would be otherwise. I think that's worth waiting for!
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