
I have absolutely no problem giving money to people who ask for it. I don't even care what they do with it. I figure if they do have wrong motives, God can convict them and change their hearts if I'm a good witness to His generosity, freely willing to give when they ask.

Which is why my reaction to a guy asking me for money in St. Louis this week was so weird.

"Hey! How's your day going?" he asked as we were crossing each other's paths on the street.

"Great! How about yours?" I replied.

"Not so good. I'm homeless and trying to get dinner. Do you have any money to spare?"

(This is where it gets weird.)

"You don't look homeless," I said.

(I've definitely never said anything like this before. Perhaps what I should have said was 'You don't look any more homeless than I do' since we were wearing matching outfits... dress pants and hoodies. Though his hoodie did have a few more stains on it than mine.)

"I am," he said seriously. "I lost my job."

But then his face changed. And he broke into a huge smile.

"I really don't look homeless?" he asked. "So maybe there is hope for me?"

"There's definitely hope," I said. Truly believing it. Because homeless or not, he clearly wanted a future.

"God bless you sweetheart," he said and walked away. No longer interested in my money.

Charity is about helping those in need. Sometimes that comes in the form of a twenty dollar bill. Or a free meal. But other times it happens through our words, acts of kindness, when we give hope and remind others of their humanity by treating them accordingly.


How do you respond when you see someone in need?


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