
I've been fighting migraines for the past two weeks. Stretching, sleeping, Excedrin, ice packs, exercise, they all help for a little while but nothing has "solved" the problem. So yesterday I decided to try a deep tissue massage.

While Sara was working the knots out of my neck, shoulders, back, arms, and hamstrings, I fluctuated between deep relaxation, pain, and extreme tension. The relaxation and pain I could handle. But tensing up was awful, because the more I tensed up the more Sara focused on that area, and the more Sara focused on that area the more tense I became.

Halfway through the massage, at a particularly tense moment, I felt the word "submission" wash over me. I immediately forced myself to relax, to submit to the pressure, and Sara made quick and easy work of the knot she was focusing on. It was amazing, actually, how much more comfortable I was and how much more effective the massage was after that simple act of submission.

I remembered the Scripture passage, James 4:7, that says, "Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

When I try to resist the devil in my own power -- control my circumstances, for example (which is really what being tense is all about, right?) -- I end up more tense, more in knots. I actually work against myself, making the situation worse, making my difficulties last longer than they need to, and frustrating myself and others.

But when I submit to God and allow Him to guide me, work in me, and take control of my circumstances, it is in His power that I am able to overcome adversity. And it happens so much more quickly, comfortably, and effectively than when I try to do it my way.


It isn't easy to give up control, but God's way is always better than my own.


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