cough drops
Recently I've noticed how lacking my medicine cabinet is when it comes to "practical" needs. You could attribute this to my not being a parent. But I was also the step-mom who didn't own a thermometer until the poor little guy got a fever for the first time. So it is likely that I'm just not the foreword-thinking type when it comes to medicinal needs.
Over the weekend I cut open my finger on a dog food can. I keep hydrogen peroxide on hand since our run in with the skunk. And luckily my grandma had left band-aids in the cabinet when she moved out. Unfortunately she didn't leave any neosporin, so I had to make a trip to the drugstore.
Later I had a reaction to the garden when I was picking green beans. My arms turned red and blotchy from wrist (I was wearing gloves) to elbow. And all I had in my medicine cabinet was neosporin, hydrogen peroxide, and band-aids. Why would I have hydrocortisone, "just in case"? So it looks like I'll be taking another trip to town.
After a week of coughing I also decided I might need something in addition to prayer to get me through my sermon on Sunday. I keep hot tea, honey, and lemon on hand at all times, but it just wasn't doing the trick. Luckily, behind all the tea bags, I found a bag of cough drops from the last time I got sick and my parents dropped off chicken soup and mentholated Halls.
I apologized to everyone for "preaching with my mouth full". But I was preaching from memory, without sermon notes that someone else could have read from, and I didn't see any other way around it. So I read Ephesians 6 and talked about putting on the full armor of God while sucking on cough drops and trying not to drool all over myself.
The fun part was that my parents had bought the motivational bag of cough drops, so while preaching I was reminded "You can do it and you know it"; "Put your game face on"; "Nothing you can't handle."
It actually went along perfectly with the sermon.
From now on I will read Ephesians 6 as such: Put on the full armor of God and stand firm with the belt of truth around your waist, the breastplate of righteousness in place, and mentholated cough drops beneath your tongue to ward off the flaming arrows of the evil one upon your throat.
Just like we should put on our armor before we go in to battle, we should prepare our medicine cabinets before we get sick. And always choose the inspirational cough drops when given the chance.
Over the weekend I cut open my finger on a dog food can. I keep hydrogen peroxide on hand since our run in with the skunk. And luckily my grandma had left band-aids in the cabinet when she moved out. Unfortunately she didn't leave any neosporin, so I had to make a trip to the drugstore.
Later I had a reaction to the garden when I was picking green beans. My arms turned red and blotchy from wrist (I was wearing gloves) to elbow. And all I had in my medicine cabinet was neosporin, hydrogen peroxide, and band-aids. Why would I have hydrocortisone, "just in case"? So it looks like I'll be taking another trip to town.
After a week of coughing I also decided I might need something in addition to prayer to get me through my sermon on Sunday. I keep hot tea, honey, and lemon on hand at all times, but it just wasn't doing the trick. Luckily, behind all the tea bags, I found a bag of cough drops from the last time I got sick and my parents dropped off chicken soup and mentholated Halls.
I apologized to everyone for "preaching with my mouth full". But I was preaching from memory, without sermon notes that someone else could have read from, and I didn't see any other way around it. So I read Ephesians 6 and talked about putting on the full armor of God while sucking on cough drops and trying not to drool all over myself.

It actually went along perfectly with the sermon.
From now on I will read Ephesians 6 as such: Put on the full armor of God and stand firm with the belt of truth around your waist, the breastplate of righteousness in place, and mentholated cough drops beneath your tongue to ward off the flaming arrows of the evil one upon your throat.
Just like we should put on our armor before we go in to battle, we should prepare our medicine cabinets before we get sick. And always choose the inspirational cough drops when given the chance.
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