birth order

I mentioned on Tuesday that I was reading The Weird Sisters, by Eleanor Brown. The premise of the book is the relationship between three sisters -- Rosalind, Bianca, and Cordelia -- named after three of Shakespeare's characters (to Shakespeare "weird" meant "destined" or "fated"). The personalities of the three characters are based on their birth order.

Rosalind, the eldest, is a natural caretaker, an achiever, controlling, and the most cautious of her sisters. She wants everything in her life to be, and to appear, perfect -- perfect husband, perfect career, perfect home -- and she is her own worst critic.

Bianca, the middle sister, is a people pleaser. She is also a good listener, pushes boundaries, has lots of friends, and is a natural peacemaker. She does, however, feel left out, lost, replaceable, and wonders, "Who am I?"  

Cordelia, the last born, is a free spirit. She is fun and playful, uncomplicated and outgoing, spontaneous and self-centered. She is both charming and manipulative. But she is also an eternal optimist, believing that no matter what, everything will work out.

The novel shows the sisters as adults, all having "failed" at achieving their desired destinies. They return home to be with their mother who has cancer, meanwhile attempting to make sense of their lives and overcome the "birth order traits" they've been dealt.

Can Rosalind become a free spirit and Cordelia the responsible one? Can Bianca find what makes her happy and settle on an identity? Or are they destined to be who they've always been?

An average day with Kasen, Tessa, Kaylee, Tysen, and Kenzi.
I find studies and discussions on birth order to be fascinating. I totally identify as the middle child, while retaining some of the first born traits since I am the first and only girl sibling. My brothers' personalities are also stereotypical first and last born. And my nieces and nephew also follow accordingly.

My older brother's children:
Kasen, the first born, naturally takes care of his sisters and knows the "right" way to do things. Tessa, the first girl, has her own idea about the "right" way to do things and is definitely the achiever. Kaylee, the next born, is a peacemaker and a good listener. Tysen, the other "middle", pushes boundaries and I fear will be the one who feels replaceable, though she is anything but replaceable in this aunt's eyes. Kenzi is the definition of youngest child. She is a master of manipulation, and you can't help but give in to her because she is so lovable, so charming, so funny, and so fun.    

My younger brother's child:
Riley watching Care Bears with her birds.
Riley is currently an only child. That makes her the first born and the last, until further notice. I definitely see the natural caregiver in her as a first born. At 13 months she cuddles her baby dolls, tucks them in, rocks and loves on them. She is cautious, like a first born, when it comes to swimming in the ocean, but otherwise is a total free spirit like a last born. Charming and adventurous, I only hope she is an eternal optimist.


What does your birth order say about you?


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