the gym

The gym is a scary, scary place.

Guys hopped up on energy drinks and protein shakes. Girls in spandex. Old ladies in the locker room changing into swim suits while talking about "senior moments". Sweaty towels and socks. And that one creepy guy who makes inappropriate remarks about your muscles while you attempt shoulder presses.

And so yesterday I had to listen to Skillet's Not Gonna Die repeatedly as I drove to the gym--determined to sign up for a membership despite my fears--to remind myself that as scary as the gym was it would not kill me. Not the sweaty people or the skinny people or the too energetic people or the creepy guy. Not even the lady who went out to her car to smoke in between reps.  

I will be honest. After an hour at the gym I felt affirmed in my fears. It was all those scary things and filled with all those scary people.

But it was also full of friendly people. Helpful people. Appropriately happy and hydrated people. People committed to their health. Muscular people and overweight people. Social people and quiet people. Old people and young people. People who probably found the gym as scary as I do and others who consider it their playground.

And I didn't die.

Maybe the gym would be less scary if I was already in good shape. If I knew how to use all the machines. If I could curl more than 10 pounds, swim more than 3 laps without hyperventilating, and sit comfortably in spin class. But none of those things are ever going to happen if I don't first go to the gym in my out-of-shape, uncomfortable, ignorant, hyperventilating state.

And so I will continue to try not to die at least 3 times a week as I

Is it just me, or is the gym your scary place too?


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