
Continuing our theme of gratitude, on this our second day of alphabet thankfulness, today I am grateful for my brothers.

Timothy is my older brother (by 12 months and 15 days) and the leader of our crazy pack. This week he sent me an email about the American Triple T (which I hear our friend Mike is crazy and awesome enough to have signed up for! You rock Mike!!). This involves doing 4 triathlons in 3 days. Over 140 miles. In the subject line of the email my brother wrote: "This looks soooo stupid! 2015 maybe..."

Which is precisely why I love my brother so much. Nothing is ever too big, too hard, too stupid, or too out of reach to attempt.

Matthew, my younger brother by 3 years, is a lot like Tim. Claiming all his life that he was the "dumb one" in the family, Matthew went on to college to double major in mathematics and engineering. And when the rest of us had to look at a map to see where Oklahoma even was, he was packing his bags and moving there after landing an amazing job that he was perfectly suited for.

And because he is the baby of the family he has managed to do crazy things his whole life and everyone thinks it's cute. I learned early that by hanging out with him I was not only guaranteed a good time, but that I'd get in a lot less trouble because of his cuteness.

So when the three of us get together, there are no rules, no boundaries, no limits to the adventures we might have!

I couldn't have asked for two better men in my life. I am blessed!


If you aren't fortunate enough to have brothers, I hope you have someone in your life to challenge you to tackle the big, hard, stupid, crazy adventures that are available around every corner!


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