
She thought for a moment while eating the icing out of her pumpkin roll, then said enthusiastically, "Everything! And everybody! In the whole world!"
I told her that was the best possible thing I could think of to be thankful for.
Not just girls. Not just people in pink dresses (there was a lot of that happening last night). Not just people who look like me, or think like me, or act like me, or believe what I believe.
But everyone. In the whole wide world.
People I have met, and people I haven't yet. People I like instantly, and people it takes some work to find affection for. People I agree with, and people I don't. People I see everyday, people I would like to see more often, and people who have since passed from this earth.
Everyone. In the whole world.
I hope I can be thankful for that too. Not just in theory, but also in action.
Kaylee is thankful for everybody. Are you?
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