Christmas lists

On the way home from school yesterday my nieces were discussing Christmas lists.

"Make sure you make a girl list and not a boy list," Kenzi said.
"But I like boy lists," Tessa said.

"What is on a boy list?" I asked.

"Guns!" They shouted in unison. Then one by one they shared:
"Christmas trees." (Never considered that before.)
"Monster movies."
"Knights in armor to protect you."

"I could protect you," I offered.

Tysen asked, "Would you kick the bad guys in the knees?"
"If they were really bad," I said. "Or I might just ask them to go away."
"That won't work," they all agreed.
Then Kaylee asked, "Can you throw fire from your hands?"
Followed by: "Dragons breathe fire. Dragons are on boy lists."

"So what is on a girl's list?" I asked.

"Cars." (Sorry fellas!)
"Ladybug pillow pets that glow."

Santa is going to have fun shopping this year!

Interestingly, I recently made a list of things I remember and loved as a kid:
  • playing in the mud/snow/trees/creek with my brothers
  • driving, reading, painting, and going to musicals with my grandmas
  • listening to my grandpas tell stories, jokes, laugh, and sing songs while fishing, playing poker, and picking berries
  • road trips and staying in hotels that had swimming pools with my family
Small things. Inexpensive things. Family things. Things that aren't made of plastic or run by batteries. Things that are wrapped in memories, not shiny paper and matching bows.

And while I fully intend to spoil my nieces and nephew with "stuff" this Christmas, I also want to be mindful to add to their boy and girl lists: family, memories, and togetherness. Things I know they will remember. And I will too.


What's on your list this Christmas?

Kaylee drew this picture of me last night.
As a mermaid. Throwing fire. Love her!!!


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