
Last week I got the jump on gratitude. My dog Jovi takes a week or two every fall and barks nonstop. Last week was her week. After being frustrated and sleep deprived I decided one morning at 3 a.m. to be grateful. This is what my gratitude sounded like:
"God, I'm grateful that you brought Jovi into my life, even if she is barking right now at 3 a.m. It wasn't nice of someone to lock her in a barn and leave her there at 8 weeks old, but I'm grateful that my dad found her in time. Hopefully she only remembers how happy she has been since. You knew I needed her that week, the week of my first divorce. She got me out of bed those first few months and has been my constant companion for the last 7 years. I'm glad she is healthy and alive (as evidenced by her constant barking) and that we live on a farm where we can take longs walks every day. I'm also glad we live on a farm because I remember getting 'barking tickets' more than once when we lived in town. I'll try not to complain so much about her barking and remember that she is my gift from You."
"Magically" last night Jovi didn't bark once. I slept 9 hours straight. And I'm grateful for that too!
I came across an awesome suggestion for "gratitude month". Begin with the letter "A" and each day name something you are grateful for. So, in addition to being grateful for Jovi and a good night's sleep, today I am grateful for the Alphabet which will guide my gratitude this month, and for Apples, which are currently the only food I have in the house and therefore are not only breakfast but an excuse to go shopping!
When we choose to be grateful, we realize we have much to be grateful for!
When we choose to be grateful, we realize we have much to be grateful for!
I miss Jovi! I am grateful that Jovi liked me the first time I showed up at your house.
It was amazing how she loved you from the start! She doesn't usually like boys... maybe it was the kilt that convinced her you were one of the good ones. ;)