
On the way back from the funeral home yesterday the kids were all trying to make sense of heaven. In
particular they were trying to figure out how it was possible for their great-grandpa to "see" us wherever we are.

"I don't believe that," my nephew said finally.

"Believe what?" I asked.

"That he can see us."

"What do you believe?" I encouraged.

"I think he is just dead," he said.

One of his sisters then asked again how their great-grandpa could see us no matter where we are: school, home, grandma and grandpa's house...

"It's like Santa," my nephew explained to his sisters. They all got quiet. And I realized he understood the concept, even if he wasn't sure he bought it. Which I think is perfectly healthy. Even good. Really good actually.

We don't have to believe everything everyone tells us. And we probably shouldn't. It is okay to doubt. We can go through the process of figuring it out for ourselves. To see if it is true for us. And what that means for our lives.


Doubt is often a necessary step to faith. Not one we should feel ashamed of.


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