
Yesterday I embraced everybody. Back in May I embraced everything. And I truly have tried to be open to anything and anyone who enters my path this year. But how do you follow everything and everyone? What comes next?

My cousin reminded me that the year is quickly coming to an end. And if, in fact, "embrace" is my word of the year, I'll soon have to look for a new word to embrace in 2014.

But the year is not over yet! We still have time to EMBRACE MORE!

And so, here is my request. Will you help me make the next 7 weeks the best yet? Intentional, open, big, and bold! Will you suggest "more" for me? 

Will you write in the comments below (anonymous comments are accepted if you prefer!) what you would like to see me embrace... what I haven't embraced yet... what I need to embrace again... what you have been embracing... what you wish you could embrace... whatever is on your heart.

Any and all suggestions are welcome. None are too crazy, too silly, too serious, or too bold. There are lessons to be learned and hearts to be enlarged from any and all experiences! And I will do my best to be open to all of them.

Thank you for being part of this journey with me!
Thank you for helping me EMBRACE MORE!


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