Sunday drives

week. After church we would hop on the Harley or climb into the pickup and just drive. With no destination in mind. No map to guide us. No time constraints. For the pure and simple purpose of spending time together on the road.
Yesterday I had a sudden longing for a Sunday drive. Why, after two years, I don't know. But I'm not one to question these things.
So, despite the fact that it wasn't Sunday, I didn't have a traveling companion, and I had plenty of work I "should have" been doing, I took a Sunday drive. With no destination in mind. No map to guide me. And no time constraints. For the pure and simple purpose of spending time on the road.
And I had the best time. The perfect afternoon.
It makes me sad that Sunday drives aren't common any more. That adults are "too busy" and kids are "too bored" to drive aimlessly together for an afternoon.
Not me though. I'll always make time to EMBRACE SUNDAY DRIVES.
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