
Yesterday as I was enjoying a perfect walk with my dog and the sun was nice and warm on my bare arms I thought, "I'm really glad today is summer."

That may seem like a weird thought to have, but everyone started embracing fall as soon as they saw the word "September" (which my nieces just learned has 3 syllables... do 4 year-olds really need to know syllables???).

But September isn't fall. At least not the first 21 days.

September is heat and humidity. September is lakes that are still warm enough to swim in without a wet suit. September is green fields and trees and lawns that still need to be mowed. September is tomatoes and peaches and apples (NOT pumpkins and costumes and candy corn!).

Today, September 18, is SUMMER!

I saw a movie on Sunday, The Spectacular Now, which sums up my feelings in a very simple way: "Live in the now. Embrace that shit."

There you have it. So long as it is summer, EMBRACE SUMMER. Because that is now. Not tomorrow or someday, but now.

And come Sunday, at 4:44 p.m. EDT, you have my permission to rake leaves and eat pumpkin pie and wear sweaters to your heart's content! Because then, fall will be "now" and "now" will be fall.


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