
I contemplated this with a mouth full of tofu.
Then, "All of it," I said, adding, "I wouldn't do it if it wasn't fun." We laughed, both knowing how true this is of me. (I'm not saying this is an admirable quality. It certainly doesn't keep the house clean. But it is who I am.)
"Okay," my friend said, "then what is the least fun?"
I contemplated this too, enjoying another bite of veggies and tofu, mildly spiced at a level 2.
"None of it," I said finally, completely unable to think of something I currently do that I don't find equally as enjoyable as all the rest. "Probably because I don't do too much of any one thing. If all I did was edit, or all I did was write, or all I did was preach, or all I did was run, or all I did was hang out with the kids, any of those things would probably become less fun. But since I don't do too much of any one thing, I can enjoy them all."
For me, balance means doing a little bit of everything. For you, it might mean doing a little less "everything" and a little more focusing on what is really important. Or, if you're always doing for others, it might mean taking regular time for yourself. On the flip side, if you only focus on the needs within your own little world--your job, your family, your calendar, yourself--balance might mean stepping back and looking at how you can participate in the wider world.
If you aren't happy with some aspect of your life, ask yourself if you've gotten out of balance. And be willing to make a change so you can be someone who makes you happy!
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