bucket lists

Last night I hung out with a group of people who have either walked el Camino Francés (approximately 500 miles across Spain) or who have it on their bucket lists. Men and women, from college age to well past retirement.

It's on my list.

In fact, it's the only thing on my list.

I get overwhelmed when I have too much to do. I find it far less stressful to have only one thing in my bucket at a time. Plus I'm more likely to do the one thing, if there is only one. So for now, walking el Camino is my list, the whole list.

"When are you going?" Joe asked me as people were starting to disperse. He was younger than me and talked slow, like a California surfer.

"Now is good," I said. "Before life gets in the way, you know?"

We were at the REI store so I didn't even need to go home and pack. Everything I needed was right there. Not to mention the airport was less than 30 minutes away.

"For me too," he said. "I want to backpack all of Europe. But it has to be this year. As soon as I get funds together. April, maybe May. I'll look for you on 'the Way'."

He'll do it. I know he will. And I'll do it too. At least once.


Don't put it in your bucket if you're only going to dream about it. If it's on the list, you've got to go through with it! So, what's on your list? And what's stopping you?


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