balance, part 2

(BALANCE, PART 1, in case you missed it.)

As my sister-in-law says, "Balance = A continuous battle in my world." It is soooo easy to lose our balance! Hence the need for EMBRACE BALANCE, PART 2.

When I was in high school (or maybe junior high) one of my coaches (volleyball? softball? basketball? track?) taught me the art of balance.

"Think about your belly button," she (or maybe he) said.

We were attempting to stand on one foot and do quad stretches. And we were falling all over the place. Which was completely unacceptable to the coach. Who wasn't about to let us "cheat" by holding on to a wall.

Which is when the life lesson came in to play: "Think about your belly button." And like magic we stopped falling over.

I've been thinking about my belly button ever since. Whenever I do quad stretches. Whenever I do yoga. Whenever I ride my bike. Whenever I have to face my fear of heights. Whenever I stand on one foot just for the heck of it (which is a lot more often than you would think).

In other words, I think about my belly button whenever I start to lose my balance, or put myself in a position where balance is important.

Because you see, your belly button is your center. And when you focus on your center you can maintain your balance.

My center in life is God. So any time I start to feel out of balance I ask myself where God is (or isn't), what God wants me to do, how God wants me to handle a situation, who God is putting in my path and why. I focus on my center and it helps me balance.

Your center might be your family. So you could ask: how does taking on this new task affect my kids? what changes at home will have to be made if I say "yes" to this? when can my partner and I make time for just the two of us? where am I not making my family my center?

By making decisions based on our center, we can maintain balance in our lives.

Give it a shot. If you feel like you are falling over, focus on your belly button. Even better, think about your belly button BEFORE losing your balance and see if it doesn't help you make decisions that will enable you to enjoy life.


And remember, balance doesn't mean you will never feel too busy or too messy or too crazy or too bored or too anything. Balance just means you won't fall over when you are all those things.


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