
Two Sundays a month I preach in Xenia, Ohio. Yesterday was one of those Sundays.

I chose the topic "hospitality" to teach on this Sunday for a number of reasons.

  1. One, because we aren't very hospitable to people of other cultures (think about Syria last week, and Muslims since September 11). 
  2. Two, because lots of people who aren't in church are looking for a place to belong, to feel welcomed and at home. 
  3. Three, because many people who are in church are so focused on having a "welcoming minute" to declare who is allowed to be there that they are spending more time focusing internally on what they believe than externally on actually being kind and welcoming to others.
  4. Four, because the Bible tells us to practice hospitality, and to do so without grumbling, and in this way we show love to one another.
  5. Five, because folks at this church were so gracious and hospitable to me following my previous sermon when I admitted to not having perfect faith, that I wanted to applaud them for responding as Jesus would.  
Even though I had several very logical reasons to talk about hospitality, I was still nervous on my drive to Xenia. I was worried that I hadn't spent enough time listening to God and what He wanted to say during this sermon. So I was praying most fervently that this was in fact what He wanted me to talk about, that He had been with me during the preparation of the message, and that I wouldn't completely blow it.

And God gave me a sign. Literally, a sign. "Xenia. City of Hospitality."

Sometimes God is so obvious there is no room for doubt.

So we talked about hospitality at church yesterday. Because it was obviously what we needed to hear.


Hospitality isn't about being the best housekeeper or a master in the kitchen. It's about being kind and welcoming to everyone, making sure people are comfortable and their needs are being met. And if your house is clean and the food is delicious, that's just icing on the cake!


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