
I've never been one to use an umbrella.

Occasionally over the years my parents--like good parents do--have tossed one in my car as I've pulled away on my next adventure. But I've always responded by tossing it into someone else's car or passing it on to someone who doesn't enjoy getting wet.

Yesterday, however, I noticed an umbrella hanging on the wall with a collection of my grandfather's hats. I decided to take it with me on my lunchtime walk, not expecting for a moment that a blog would come of it.

No sooner had I set foot on the gravel path when I declared, "Umbrellas are an understated accessory!"

I had always seen umbrellas as a functional device, but all of a sudden I was Gene Kelly in Singin' in the Rain, twirling my umbrella with complete disregard for whether or not I was getting wet. I was "hap-py!"

Like the perfect hat, scarf, earrings, or man on your arm, the right umbrella can be just the thing to complete an outfit. A pop of color when your outfit is gray. A neutral shade when your boots are pink. Something to twirl and swing and give away.


You never know what is going to make you happy.

Reading about Audrey Hepburn's iconic style in the May issue of Vanity Fair


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