
Lately I've been asking myself "what's next?"

What comes after Easter Sunday? What comes after I've finished reading the Bible (I still have a week or so to go)? What is God preparing me for?

Because it certainly feels like a season of preparation. And not just for me. Several of my friends have also been posting on Facebook that they feel like something is coming, that they are being prepared for it. They call their seasons a fallow period, or a transition period, searching, grieving, or rebelling period. A state of "in between."

Perhaps we are simply moving into spring, a season of new birth.

In the first verses of the book of Acts, it says Jesus, after being raised from the dead, presented himself to the apostles for 40 days before ascending into heaven. Perhaps sitting at the feet of Jesus, preparing and building up our spiritual muscles as we learn from Him, is exactly where we should be... not just for the 40 days of lent that lead up to Easter but also the 40 days after.


No matter what season you are in, have hope! God has a good plan for your future.

Celebrating baseball season by attending Opening Night tonight at the Great American Ballpark. Let's go Reds! 


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