
This is how people feel
when you compliment them!
Riley Claire, 11 months, Corpus Christi, TX.
"I like your nails," I told the lady who rang up my groceries.
"Thank you," she said.
As I was leaving the store I looked over my shoulder. She was staring at her rainbow colored nails, smiling.

"I like it when you sing," Mr. K told me after church on Sunday.
He is typically very quiet around me. Rarely more than "hello". I'm still smiling.

How often do we have these thoughts--Cool shirt; She's really good at her job; I wonder where she got those shoes; He's great with kids; I love being your mom/dad/aunt/sister; I'm impressed--but we don't give verbal expression to them. They remain our thoughts, rather than a blessing to another person.


You could be the reason why someone is still smiling.

Listening to Merry Happy by Kate Nash because it makes me smile. :)


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