
Why Quakers love baseball

Simplicity - Ball, bat, glove. Throw, hit, run, catch. It doesn't get much simpler than that.

Peace - Like an umpire who decides if a pitch is in the strike zone or not, we are to let the sense of peace in our hearts (or lack of peace) tell us whether or not we are on track:

"Let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always]." Colossians 3:15 AMP 

Integrity - Safe or out? Strike or ball? Baseball may be the only sport that still trusts the umpires to make rulings on each play without further review and instant video replays. That could change next year, but for now we trust the integrity of a handful of men and their eye witness.

Community - There is something about the smell of peanuts and beer, everyone wearing the same color shirt, singing the National Anthem with thousands of other fans, and seeing your team take the field that makes you feel like inviting everyone in your section to Thanksgiving dinner.

Equality - Every player starts every new season with a clean slate. Batting averages aren't measured by the color of your skin, the state or country you were born in, whether you are rich or poor, in your 20s or your 30s. ERAs aren't determined by your sexuality, dietary preferences, or college GPA. None of it matters. And if it does matter to you, then you don't really love baseball.

Stewardship - Recognizing the sanctity of America's greatest past time--in which families and friends come together to play and celebrate--is good stewardship. The rich green beauty of the field--be it the Great American Ballpark or Yankee Stadium--is enough to make you feel closer to God. 


May we always cherish our love of the game.

Went to see 42 in the theater this week. Amazing movie. Profoundly touched by it. They don't make enough quality films like this one any more. 

And in case you need one more reason to love the game, check out this news article about a special moment with our hometown heroes, the Cincinnati Reds:


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