ordinary days

Yesterday I started the day by cleaning the bathroom. Then I washed bedding and, once the sheets were dry, made the bed. I walked my dog a couple times and had a salad for lunch. My neighbor and I had a friendly chat, and my dad and I talked about the weather. I did a little research and made some notes to prepare for a call with one of my work supervisors. I read a few chapters in Ezekiel and paid some bills. For an afternoon snack I had a piece of peach pie and a cup of Hazelnut coffee. I watched an episode of Life Today and looked at airline tickets to Corpus Christi. I got the mail and filled the car up with gas. Because it was Monday I went to my brother's house for dinner, time with the kids, and Dancing with the Stars with my sister-in-law.

It was an ordinary day. But here's the extraordinary part: I enjoyed every minute of it.

I didn't grumble about having to clean the bathroom. I didn't leave the sheets in a pile all day because I dreaded the chore of making the bed alone. I enjoyed my salad as much as my pie. I always look forward to my chats with my dad, even about the weather, and the chat with the neighbor was an added fulfillment. I'm not sure how I feel about the book of Ezekiel, but I enjoyed my moments with God and His Word. I love connecting with my co-workers and little by little they are helping me get over my fear of the phone. I was grateful that I have the money to pay my electric bill and put gas in the car. I'm excited about visiting my family in Texas soon and grateful that I can spend every Monday with my family in Ohio.

Most of our days are ordinary days. Your ordinary may be vastly different from my ordinary, but you probably have a regular routine. The extraordinary thing is we can choose to live our ordinary days as if they are just as much a blessing as our "wow" days, because they are. We can be grateful to wake up in the morning, to have clean clothes to put on, and tasks to do. We can be blessed by the people in our lives and to know we have a God who loves us. We can do everything we do with joy because we have so much to be grateful for.


(I'm not suggesting you start telling everyone on Facebook what you had for breakfast or whether or not you made your bed, because really no one has time for that. But God cares and He appreciates it when you embrace even the little things!)

Listening to Little Things by India Arie. Love anything she sings!


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