your senses

 Taste: Sunday is family dinner night. My sister is an amazing cook and for the past five weeks she has let the birthday boy or girl pick their meal of choice (we had 13 family birthdays between January 22 and March 5!). We've had tilapia, stuffed peppers, pasta and meatballs, and, as seen above, fried chicken and mashed potatoes. I am especially grateful for my sense of taste on Sunday nights!

 Sight: This is definitely my weakest sense, as affirmed at last week's eye examination at the Highway Patrol that I only passed by the grace of God. And maybe because of that, I have great appreciation for my ability to see. I give thanks for sight, which allows me to read, to drive, and to marvel at all of God's creation, including the beautiful smiles on the faces of His children. It would be sad indeed not to be able to see Kenzi dressed as Cinderella.

 Touch: When I enter my brother's house I become a human jungle gym. Kenzi took this picture of Tysen and Tessa with me in one of our more common poses... Tysen on her head and Tessa attached to my leg. I also had the privilege yesterday of holding and painting 40 fingers and 40 toes. Kaylee, like me, found this touch to be incredibly relaxing, falling asleep while waiting for her toenails to dry. Touch is incredibly important to our emotional and mental well being, so do yourself a favor and hold a hand, give a hug, or grab someone's leg today!

 Smell: While walking after dark last night my dog Jovi and I bumped into a skunk. You can imagine how good we smell today. My sister reminded me that she has a sinus infection and can't smell anything. So I'm counting my ability to smell among my blessings today... it helps me know not to go out in public!

 Hearing: A friend of mine posted this video to Facebook today of an 8-month-old boy hearing his mother's voice for the first time. Sometimes we long for more quiet in our lives, but can you imagine not knowing the sound of your child's laughter or tears, winning the Olympics and not being able to hear your nation's anthem be played, never hearing the rain? I'm looking forward to the day when I hear my youngest niece Riley call me "Aunt Katie" for the first time!


They are among God's gifts that we all too often take for granted.

Reading Awaken Your Senses: Exercises for Exploring the Wonder of God, by Brent Bill and Beth Booram.


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