
Often times our perspective determines whether or not we see ourselves through eyes of strength or eyes of weakness.

For example, I am a procrastinator. This is one of my weaknesses. But I'm great under the wire, in a pinch, at the last minute, with the unexpected. This is one of my strengths.

Let's say Jerry calls me while I'm having lunch on Saturday and asks me to fill the pulpit on Sunday because the pastor had an unexpected fall. Because I'm good in a pinch, I can say "yes" and have a sermon prepared by the next morning without feeling the least amount of stress. Chances are, however, because I'm a procrastinator, even if I had a month's notice to preach on Sunday I'd likely still wait until Saturday afternoon to prepare the sermon.

Or Carolyn could email me at 11 p.m. on a Thursday and ask if I have time for a last minute project that needs turned in by Monday morning. I can say, "no problem, I'm on it", without losing any sleep. Yet even if I had two weeks to write for Carolyn, I'd probably still wait until two days before to get started.

So I can beat myself up for having a weakness--procrastination, or I can celebrate my strength--the ability to be flexible and take on these tasks at the last minute, stress free. I choose to EMBRACE STRENGTHS.

Listening to Chris Tomlin explain the story behind the song Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies). Over and over The Message Bible refers to God as "the God of Angel Armies", so every morning when I read I can't get this chorus out of my head.  


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