
Ten years ago today I was celebrating my friend Ryan's birthday in California. His friends had driven in from Wisconsin so we were in full party mode. After many hours of dancing and drinking, we were parked in the driveway of some new friends we had picked up at the bar, waiting for them to change clothes, or leave a note for their moms, or something of the sort, when The Righteous Brothers came on the radio, accusing us of losing our lovin' feeling.

Before I knew it I was Charlotte ("Charlie") Blackwood and my entourage had transformed into a bunch of naval pilots. Ryan played the role of Maverick and his best friend Derrick naturally assumed the role of Goose. The other guys surrounded the car with song, as out of tune as Tom Cruise and Anthony Edwards. It was my Top Gun moment of a lifetime (though I doubt the neighbors were impressed with our 3 a.m. serenade).

I thought about this yesterday during my reading of the psalms. While many of the psalms celebrate God for who He is and what He has done, still more cry out: "God, are you avoiding me? Where are you when I need you? ... Are you gone for good? Will you hold this grudge forever? ... Where is the love you are so famous for? ... Come back, God ... Surprise us with love..." (Psalm 10:1-2; 89:46,49; 90:13-14 MSG)

In other words: Hey God, have you lost that lovin' feeling? Because there's no tenderness like before in your fingertips. If you would only love me like you used to do! It was a love you don't find everyday. So bring it on back (bring it on back)!

Serenaded by Zeb at Guitar Center, Dayton, Ohio.
February 2013.

After reading Psalms, I think God, like Charlie and me, likes to be wooed. To be told how beautiful His creation is, how unique His love is, how much we miss Him when He feels far away. And how we want nothing more than to be close to Him again.

"Use guitars to reinforce your Hallelujahs! Play his praise on a grand piano! Invent your own new song to him; give him a trumpet fanfare. For God’s Word is solid to the core." (Psalm 33:2-4 MSG)


This expression of love is not overrated.

Listening to Tim Easton sing To Katie


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