
When I started high school I told my dad he wasn't allowed to start treating me like a girl and not asking me to help out around the farm. He took me seriously and still asks for my help when he needs an extra set of hands. Just the other day he filled two 5-gallon buckets full of rocks. We were standing in the middle of the field and he said, "I'd let you carry one to the truck, but I'll have better balance if I carry one in each hand." (As if I could lift a 5-gallon bucket full of rocks!)

The fact that he's willing to let me help makes my heart happy. So often we let our pride get the best of us and we refuse to ask for help, or even accept it when it is offered. Way back in the 1500's some guy named John wrote, "Many hands make light work." He didn't write, "My hands get the job done," or "If I want it done right, I'll do it myself," or "People who ask for help are lazy." Nope, none of those. He wrote, "Many hands make light work" and "The more the merrier."

What does this have to do with thermals?

Now that it is spring, the buzzards have started to hang out around my place again. I've been fascinated by them my whole life. Maybe because my hometown, where I continue to live today, was originally called Buzzards Glory before it was renamed New Vienna. Maybe because I'm inspired by these creatures that savor what everyone else throws away. Maybe because one vomited at my feet when I startled it during a hike in Arkansas, or because my dad rescued two baby vultures in my backyard last summer. Probably for all these reasons.

And also because of how they fly--effortlessly soaring with the help of rising thermals of air. They are smart enough to know not to waste their energy on flapping their wings, but to let the thermals "make light work" of flying.

Buzzards eat road kill, and yet they are still smart enough to EMBRACE THERMALS. Shouldn't we also be smart enough to let others help us do our heavy lifting?

Watching Beaky Buzzard hunt for dinner on Looney Tunes.


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