
A wise man once said:

Whooah, we're halfway there 
Whooah, Livin' on a prayer
Take my hand, we'll make it I swear 
Whooah, Livin' on a prayer
Livin' on a prayer!

That's right friends. By living on a prayer I have made it halfway through the Bible in just 5 weeks! In my copy of The Message that means I am 736 pages in, nearing the end of Proverbs. How about that for progress!

Of course if you do the math that means I am about 286 pages behind schedule if I'm to complete the entire Bible by Easter. But if you also do the math, if I come up 286 pages short that means I'll be finishing up the book of Matthew and reading about the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. So I'd say I'm right on track!


You may not have reached your goal yet, you may even be way behind schedule, but take time to celebrate how far you've come!

Listening to Jeff Buckley sing Hallelujah, original lyrics by Leonard Cohen.


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