
According to The Free Dictionary, a disciple is "one who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another."

For many, "embracing" is the easy part of being a disciple of Jesus. It is the "spreading" where we often fall short. It is easier, safer, to keep our beliefs to ourselves. We don't want to offend anyone, appear pushy or overzealous. We are afraid of being rejected, or challenged. We don't know what to say or where to begin. We certainly don't want to misrepresent God.

But according to this definition, we cannot be a follower of Jesus without both embracing His teachings and sharing His love with others.

On Saturday in Indianapolis, Grammy winner Lecrae spoke at the annual Simply Youth Ministry Conference. In an interview afterwards he was asked what his biggest dream was for the ministry God has called him to. He responded about his desire to "multiply", to build a legacy of disciplers--disciples who build disciples.

In Matthew, chapter 9, Jesus says the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. The world is full of "confused and aimless" and hurting people (the harvest), longing to experience God's love, to be discipled. Will I be one of those workers who shares about the One who saves, heals, restores, forgives, and loves? Or will I keep the Good News all to myself?

Lecrae's next project is an album for kids under the age of 8. What better way to begin growing disciplers--to transform "but the workers are few" into "and the workers are plentiful!"--than to start young and to meet kids where they are at (listening and dancing to hip hop!).

In the words of King David (2 Samuel 6): "In God's presence I'll dance all I want! ... Oh yes, I'll dance to God's glory--more recklessly even than this. And as far as I'm concerned...I'll gladly look like a fool"! (I'm guessing King David was doing the Harlem Shake.)


Not just the teachings of Jesus, but also the spreading of His love.

Reading John Rosemond's Parenting by The Book, because discipleship should be fed by hip hop, and Sunday School lessons, but ideally it begins in the home. 


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