your calling

Remember Bezalel and Oholiab?

Don't worry. I bet very few people do. (You were probably distracted by that law about not boiling kids in their mother's milk when God first talked about these two guys.) And yet their work gets considerable coverage in the Bible!

In the book of Exodus, while Moses is hanging out with God on the mountain and God is personally carving His commandments into the stone tablets (the tablets that Moses later smashes into bits), God tells Moses to build Him a chest, a table, a lampstand, an altar... On and on for hundreds of verses God uses words to create a blueprint of His exact specifications for each of these items.

Moses grew up in the palace and his wife later taught him how to be a shepherd, so I doubt he had much design experience. He was reticent enough when God asked him to lead the people; I can only imagine what he must be thinking now: You want me to build you a what? Carve angels out of gold? How exactly does one embroider? I draw the line at making underwear for my brother!

God doesn't call us to do anything He doesn't equip us to do, but sometimes equipping us means bringing into our lives people who can help us out. "I've personally chosen Bezalel... Not only that, but I've given him Oholiab..." "God gifted them with the know-how needed for carving, designing, weaving, and embroidering... They can make anything." And hundreds of verses follow proving that these two guys can do just that.

Moses couldn't have fulfilled God's commands without the help of Bezalel and Oholiab. And these two guys whose names no one remembers had probably made thousands of beautiful creations, but the work they did for God is remembered because of Moses. We all need each other; everything God calls us to do--no matter how big, no matter how small--is important.

The work I am currently called to do is the work of Bezalel. God has personally chosen me to be a behind-the-scenes worker for those people whose calls are more akin to Moses. And I am humbled and grateful to serve Him in this capacity every single day.

"Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him" (Romans 12:1, The Message). Whether you are called to lead, like Moses, or support, like Bezalel and Oholiab, embrace the call that God has placed on your life.


Catching up on my reading...just finished Exodus and am moving into Leviticus.


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