silver linings

Last night I went to the theater--one of the "fancy" ones that charges $10 a ticket so you have the option of buying beer and wine and margaritas in solo cups for another $10--to see Silver Linings Playbook.

The movie (which was fantastic) is about a guy (Pat, played by Bradley Cooper) who goes crazy when he catches his wife in the shower with a history teacher. The truth is he was crazy all along, and once you see his dad (Robert DeNiro) watch a Philadelphia Eagles game you will see where he gets it from. After time in a mental institution Pat comes out with a new philosophy--silver linings.

Silver linings--finding the positive or redemptive quality in any given situation--is definitely something I want to embrace. Any doubt about that was put to rest early in the movie when DeNiro shouts: "Embrace it! Embrace it!" Yes, sir!

EMBRACE SILVER LININGS. Because Robert DeNiro said so.

Just finished the book of Numbers. Instead of complaining about everything, the Israelites definitely could have benefited from focusing on silver linings.


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